Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 17.00
You will find the answers to most questions in our Frequently Asked Questions section.
Find out what availability we have at our sites.
Please provide us with the following information
when making an enquiry:
1. Customer name
2. Email address
3. Contact number
4. Game date
5. Site Location - Alton or Bournemouth
6. Full day or half day
7. Number of players in your group
The sites are ONLY OPEN WHEN
For more details, please call the office.
Office/Registered Address;
Camouflage Paintball,
Powerball Outdoor Activities Limited,
Unit 23 Mill Lane Industrial Estate
Caker Stream Road
Hampshire GU34 2QA
Tel: 01252 961 520
Fax: 01252 691 549
Registered in England No: 08496226
Date of incorporation: 19/04/13
VAT Registration: 821 7457 30